o teraz żeś mi zjebał humor
cykoelektryko :
o teraz żeś mi zjebał humor
jutro o 20 bedzie podany timetable... sam jeszcze nie widzialem oficjalnego, czesciowo mogloby sie to zgadzac, ale kilka rzeczy budzi moje watpliwosci. poczekamy, zobaczymy. moze nie bedziesz mial zjebanego humoru
Rav :
czesciowo mogloby sie to zgadzac, ale kilka rzeczy budzi moje watpliwosci.
wlasnie. Czy Klock i Dettmann maja grac b2b?
Albo Saunderson na Floor 3...
gutek81 :
czy mi się zdaje czy w tym roku nie było konkursu na GSz??
nie było...
kermitt :
wlasnie. Czy Klock i Dettmann maja grac b2b?
Albo Saunderson na Floor 3...
mam bardzo podobne watpliwosci co do kilku pozycji jestem pewien, o tyle inne zupelnie mi sie nie zgadzaja...
winetu :
Kurwa mać coś mi nie gra
a tu Jamie Jones gra od 11 w niedziele ? no do chuja wacława o tej porze to ja mam spierdalać na samolot, mam nadzieję ,że to fake, reszta pasi
p.s przed 22 nie ma co wchodzić oj ale będzie befor !!!
a o ktore masz ten lot i skad? ja tez planuje max 11 wyjsc z hali bo o 16.40 mam wylt z hahn, ale ciezko bedzie z tamtad wyjsc
Rav :
kermitt :
wlasnie. Czy Klock i Dettmann maja grac b2b?
Albo Saunderson na Floor 3...mam bardzo podobne watpliwosci
co do kilku pozycji jestem pewien, o tyle inne zupelnie mi sie nie zgadzaja...
boszeeee puściłem fejka w obieg?
jesli tak to chyba będzie karny kutas
gutek81 :
Rav :
kermitt :
wlasnie. Czy Klock i Dettmann maja grac b2b?
Albo Saunderson na Floor 3...mam bardzo podobne watpliwosci
co do kilku pozycji jestem pewien, o tyle inne zupelnie mi sie nie zgadzaja...
boszeeee puściłem fejka w obieg?
jesli tak to chyba będzie karny kutas
wyslalem zapytanie, jak mi odpowiedza to napisze...
zozo :
winetu :
Kurwa mać coś mi nie gra
a tu Jamie Jones gra od 11 w niedziele ? no do chuja wacława o tej porze to ja mam spierdalać na samolot, mam nadzieję ,że to fake, reszta pasi
p.s przed 22 nie ma co wchodzić oj ale będzie befor !!!a o ktore masz ten lot i skad? ja tez planuje max 11 wyjsc z hali bo o 16.40 mam wylt z hahn, ale ciezko bedzie z tamtad wyjsc
My lecimy z Frankfurt Main .
gutek81 :
boszeeee puściłem fejka w obieg?
jesli tak to chyba będzie karny kutas hihi
Na kolana i do miecza... !
gutek81 :
Rav :
kermitt :
wlasnie. Czy Klock i Dettmann maja grac b2b?
Albo Saunderson na Floor 3...mam bardzo podobne watpliwosci
co do kilku pozycji jestem pewien, o tyle inne zupelnie mi sie nie zgadzaja...
boszeeee puściłem fejka w obieg?
jesli tak to chyba będzie karny kutas
zabrac mu moderatora!
gutek81 :
Rav :
kermitt :
wlasnie. Czy Klock i Dettmann maja grac b2b?
Albo Saunderson na Floor 3...mam bardzo podobne watpliwosci
co do kilku pozycji jestem pewien, o tyle inne zupelnie mi sie nie zgadzaja...
boszeeee puściłem fejka w obieg?
jesli tak to chyba będzie karny kutas
dilda nie budzjet, nie zacieszaj
mi Monika cos nie pasuje na floor 5, ale moze sie myle okaze sie!
co do przedimprezowej wody, to jak najbardziej za
1) Bus parking lot, direction and map
As usual you will park at P20. You can reach P20 via Harrlachweg (Please put that information into your navigation system).
There will be a parking attendant at P20.
Watch out! The P20 parking lot can only be reached via the motorway A656 / B37.
From Frankfurt Mannheim / P20:
Coming from the “Autobahnkreuz”/interchange A6/656 you will be driving into the direction to Mannheim city centre for about 1 km. After 1 km the motorway A656 will change into B37. On B37, you will turn to the right after 200m into Harrlachweg.
From Stuttgart Mannheim / P20:
Coming from the “Autobahnkreuz”/interchange A6/656 you will be driving into the direction to Mannheim city centre for about 1 km. After 1 km the motorway A656 will change into B37. On B37, you will turn to the right after 200m into Harrlachweg.
From Mannheim City Center Mannheim / P20:
Coming from Mannheim main station you will drive towards the motorway into the direction to Frankfurt/Heidelberg (B37). After crossing street lights, you will turn to the left into Harrlachweg.
Very important! Please do not drop guests at the main entrance of the Maimarkthalle. The Xaver-Fuhr-Strasse is not open for busses. Please stick to this advice! There is no turning option for busses neither.
2) Reserved tickets / Accounting
You will get your reserved tickets like last year at the bus counter. In case you already received your tickets, you can make your payment at the bus counter or return remaining tickets.
Very important: You can only reach us until Thursday, the 29th of March 2012. That means, if you need more print@home tickets please send me an e-mail until Thursday 06.00 pm. Otherwise I will deposit the remaining tickets at the bus counter.
The bus counter is 50 m left from the main entrance. Please speak to our staff at the personal check-in counter from where you will be directed.
The bus counter is open for accounting from 05.00 pm until 3.00 am.
3) Cashless payment
In 2012 we optimised and simplified the payment procedure. From now on you only need one „currency“ at the festival. No matter if you want to buy drinks, food or merchandise – at Time Warp 2012 you will pay everything with token. One token has the value of 2 €. Half of one token has the value of 1 €. You will get the token bundled in lots of 10 € at dedicated cash desks. At the bar and at the catering you will pay the corresponding amount in token plus 2 € deposit, which you will get back. If you have some tokens left after the festival, you can exchange them with a max. value of 10 € into cash at dedicated cash counters. You can redeem the tokens until 02:30 pm.
Please note that you have to pay in cash to buy cigarettes at specific booths.
4) Police Controls
As promoters we explicitly advise you, that possession, consumption and sale of illegal narcotics is strictly forbidden in the Federal Republic of Germany.
It is equally prohibited, driving a vehicle under the influence of legal (alcohol) or illegal narcotics.
For this reason, there will be large scale traffic controls on all roads leading towards or from the festival venue this Saturday.
Furthermore, there will be presence of police on the festival venue, as well as undercover operations.
Any violation of German narcotics laws will inevitably result in the immediate exclusion of the event as well as official charges with the police department.
We as the promoters of Time Warp wish to have a clean party with you and strongly advise all visitors to refrain from the abuse of illegal substances. There is no risk free drug consumption.
Rav :
4) Police Controls
As promoters we explicitly advise you, that possession, consumption and sale of illegal narcotics is strictly forbidden in the Federal Republic of Germany.
It is equally prohibited, driving a vehicle under the influence of legal (alcohol) or illegal narcotics.
For this reason, there will be large scale traffic controls on all roads leading towards or from the festival venue this Saturday.
Furthermore, there will be presence of police on the festival venue, as well as undercover operations.
Any violation of German narcotics laws will inevitably result in the immediate exclusion of the event as well as official charges with the police department.
We as the promoters of Time Warp wish to have a clean party with you and strongly advise all visitors to refrain from the abuse of illegal substances. There is no risk free drug consumption.
Fuu! Skąd ja to znam kierwa ;-/
Rav :
3) Cashless payment
In 2012 we optimised and simplified the payment procedure. From now on you only need one „currency“ at the festival. No matter if you want to buy drinks, food or merchandise – at Time Warp 2012 you will pay everything with token. One token has the value of 2 €. Half of one token has the value of 1 €. You will get the token bundled in lots of 10 € at dedicated cash desks. At the bar and at the catering you will pay the corresponding amount in token plus 2 € deposit, which you will get back. If you have some tokens left after the festival, you can exchange them with a max. value of 10 € into cash at dedicated cash counters. You can redeem the tokens until 02:30 pm.
Please note that you have to pay in cash to buy cigarettes at specific booths.
Buuu, nie będzie tym razem Pfandów? Nie ma co drukować
BaBeLo :
time warp taaa... bylo kiedys fajnie.. ale czas isc do przodu:)
Misiu :
BaBeLo :
time warp taaa... bylo kiedys fajnie.. ale czas isc do przodu:)
Love Family Park? czy Bermuda?
RomeY :
Buuu, nie będzie tym razem Pfandów? Nie ma co drukować
linki widoczne tylko dla zalogowanych uytkownikw
rok temu tez byly plastikowe tokeny
Ej niech ktoś mi to przetłumaczy prosze Was...
Czy ja coś kurwa wygrałem???'
'linki widoczne tylko dla zalogowanych uytkownikw
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